Welcome to the CMS Resources Section. We hope the texts contained here can help generate a more patient, reflective, accountable, generous and critical approach as we strive to make the world a place where all of its inhabitants can live safe, dignified and interconnected lives. We also hope that, as you move through this reader, it conveys the emotional register that we have found so vital to our work: care, empathy, grief, love, disappointment, hope, support, anger, healing and commitment, all of which have marked our collective path.
This compilation of texts initially grew out of the first Study-Into-Action that we conducted in 2008-9, with readings we all pulled together with help from our Accountability and Support Partners. Gaurav, a CMS co-founder, incorporated these readings into his work with college students, some of whom worked with him to create a more comprehensive resource. Thanks to Andrew, Isaac, Tyler, Marty and Miguel for all the hours, ideas and meetings they put in to make this iteration possible.
The resources offered here are posted for educational purposes only. If you are the author and/or copyright holder of any of the content posted here and would like us to remove your work, please let us know and we will do so as soon as possible.
Working with Boys and Men by XY Online
Man to Man by Paul Kivel
Men’s Work: To Stop Male Violence by Paul Kivel
Against Patriarchy: Tools for Men to Further Feminist Revolution by Chris Crass
Driver’s Ed for the Sexual Superhighway: Navigating Consent by Heather Corinna
Expanding Consent: An Interview with Jaclyn Friedman (excerpt) by Colette Perold
Beyond Yes or No: Consent as Sexual Process by Rachel Kramer Bussel
Hello, Sailor! How to Build, Board and Navigate a Healthy Relationship by Heather Corinna
All About Love, Chapter 3: Honesty by bell hooks (PDF here)
All About Love, Chapter 8: Community by bell hooks (PDF here)
The Seven P’s of Men’s Violence by Michael Kaufman
Survivors are So Sensitive by Melissa McEwan
White Knight Disconnect by Nina Funnell
Violence by XY Online
Facts and figures: Ending violence against women from UN Women
Sexual Violence: Data Sources from US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Relationship Violence Definition & Cycle of Violence
Relationship Violence Statistics
Relationship Violence Myths and Realities
Myths & Facts about Men as Survivors by 1 in 6 & Ken Singer
About Child Sexual Abuse by generationFIVE
Common Reactions to Sexual Assault
Power & Control Wheel for College Students
It Might Be a Mickey by Luoluo Hong
Domestic Violence in GLB Relationships
Sexualized Violence and People with Disabilities by Anti Violence Project (Victoria) and Seattle Rape Relief
Immigration and Sexual Violence by INCITE!
Sexual Assault and Law Enforcement by INCITE!
Trans Respect/Etiquette/Support 101 by Micah Bazant
Trans Liberation and Feminism by Michelle O’Brien
BDSM Defined by Deborah Teramis Christian
J. Crew Plants the Seeds for Gender Identity by Keith Ablow
Dismantling Hierarchy, Queering Society by Andrea Smith
Gay Men’s Sexism and Women’s Bodies by Yolo Akili
Latino Gay Men and HIV: Culture, Sexuality & Risk Behavior, Chapter 4: Machismo and Homophobia by Rafael M. Díaz
Normal Life, Chapter 1: Trans Law and Politics on a Neoliberal Landscape by Dean Spade
Straight Privilege, Gay Reality by Chris McCall
The Alt Sex Anti-Abuse Dream Team by Clarisse Thorn
Two essays from Beyond Masculinity: Essays by Queer Men on Gender & Politics
The Color of Violence: Introduction by Andrea Smith, et al.
Black Sexual Politics, Chapter 3: Prisons for Our Bodies, Closets for Our Minds by Patricia Hill Collins
Black Sexual Politics, Chapter 7: Assume the Position by Patricia Hill Collins
Race, Class, Gender and Prisons by Beth Richie (PDF here)
Misogyny, Gangsta Rap and The Piano by bell hooks
Dangerous Intersections by INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence
Conquest, Chapter 1: Sexual Violence as a Tool of Genocide by Andrea Smith
Young White Men by Paul Kivel
An Open Letter from Black Women to the SlutWalk by Black Women’s Blueprint
Cailban and the Witch (Extract: The Devaluation of Women’s Labor) by Silvia Federici or see publisher’s website
Why I am A Feminist by Byron Hurt
My Body – My Rules by Liberte Locke
“Preface” by Andrea Smith, and “Where the revolution started: an introduction” by Ching-In Chen, Jai Dulani and Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, from The Revolution Starts at Home: Confronting Partner Abuse in Activist Communities
Without My Consent by Bran Fenner
White Men Rule the World by Joseph Osmundson
Seeking Asylum – On Intimate Partner Violence and Disability by Peggy Munson
Freedom & Strategy, Trauma, and Resistance by Timothy Colm
Surviving vs. Thriving by Sheena LaShay
Stone Butch Blues Ch 3 by Leslie Feinberg (PDF here)
Man Child by Audre Lorde
The “F” Word: On Feminism, Being an Ally & Social Justice by Dr. L’Heureux Dumi Lewis (PDF here)
Learning to Listen by Richard Orton (PDF here)
Going To Places That Scare Me by Chris Crass (PDF here)
Here Be Dragons by James Baldwin
Three Words I Said to the Man I Defeated in Gears of War by Patricia Hernandez
Ending Child Sexual Abuse: A Transformative Justice Handbook by generationFIVE
Transformative Justice and Community Accountability Diagrams (from generationFIVE and INCITE!)
What Does It Feel Like When Change Finally Comes?: Male Supremacy, Accountability and Transformative Justice by The Challenging Male Supremacy Project
Gender, Race & Class Justice by Creative Interventions
Community Responds to Domestic Violence by STOP
Toward Transformative Justice (Executive Summary) by generationFIVE
Becoming an Ally from Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice (PDF here)
Privilege 101 by Transformative Justice Law Project
The Immediate Need for Emotional Justice by Yolo Akili
Strategies for Survivors by the Philly Survivor Support Collective
How to Build Safety in a Group by The Change Agency
How to Design a Workshop by The Change Agency
Co-Facilitation by The Change Agency
Co-Facilitation Inventory by The Change Agency
Third Root operates at the intersection of social justice and healing, and we see the work of the Challenging Male Supremacy Project as integral to our own work – examining power and privilege generally, but also particularly in teasing out how misogyny and sexism plays out in healing and healthcare.